Improve function, mobility, quality of life and reduce falls in a fun atmosphere!
Stoughton Health Physical Therapy leads exercise classes to help people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease start to feel and function better. Living well starts here!
Monday, September 9 to Tuesday, December 10
Ongoing Enrollment! Attend once, twice, or more per week!
Mondays 11:15 a.m. – noon
Community Health & Wellness Center
3162 County Rd B, Stoughton
Tuesdays 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Oregon Senior Center
219 Park Street, Oregon
Fridays 11:15 a.m. – noon
Community Health & Wellness Center
3162 County Rd B, Stoughton
No class: Oct 18, Nov 25-29, and Dec 13
~13 class punch card (one class/week) = $39
~26 class punch card (two classes/week) = $78
Additional class punches are available for purchase during the session as needed.
Questions? Please contact Stoughton Health Community Education at (608) 877-3498.