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Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Stoughton Hospital

900 Ridge Street
Stoughton, WI 53589

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(608) 873-2314

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Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Our Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Center provides the personalized care you need to help ensure a healthy heart and promote positive changes in your overall lifestyle. Our program options include the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs, as well as our Primary Prevention Program, PAD Exercise Program, and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.

Our program is certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).

For more information about the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Program, please call (608) 873-2314.

Staff – Our Cardiac Rehabilitation team consists of exercise physiologists, respiratory therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and the program medical director. During your involvement in the program, you will remain under the care of your personal physician. Staff will communicate any change in your condition or other pertinent information to your physician.

Hours – The Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Healthy Heart Classes

Our healthy heart classes are for those enrolled in our Cardiac Rehab program.

Clean Start: Eat Clean and Live Well – Do you want to eat healthy but don’t know where to start? Are you concerned about the chemicals, additives, GMO’s, preservatives and other things you can’t pronounce in your food?

Whole, healthy and fresh foods are your ticket to good health and will leave you feeling healthy and energized. Learn how with clean start.

Diabetes Management – Diabetes 101: Learn how diet, exercise and medication can work together to control your diabetes.

Exercise Guidelines – How does exercise benefit my heart and prevent chronic disease?

Heart Healthy Nutrition – Focus on the Mediterranean Diet.

Reducing Your Risk Factors – Why do I have heart disease? How can I prevent another heart attack, stent or surgery?

Understanding Cardiac Medications – Learn about cardiac medications and how they work to help prevent cardiac events. 

Understanding Cholesterol – Learn the goals for cholesterol numbers, and how lifestyle changes and medication can help you reach them.

Understanding Heart Disease – How does heart disease happen? How can it be treated?

Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase 2

Program Overview
The Phase 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Stoughton Health is a treatment program designed for patients recovering from a recent cardiac event. Disease conditions that benefit from a Phase 2 Program include heart attack, coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, stable angina, angioplasty, valve surgery, heart transplant, stenting procedures and heart failure.

The goal of the Cardiac Rehabilitation team is to help you make important lifestyle changes that will improve your overall quality of life while reducing the risk of future heart complications.

Admission to the program requires an order from a physician. Patients will remain under the care of a physician while they are in the program. During the Phase 2 Program, patient’s cardiac response to exercise is closely monitored and progressed per an individualized exercise prescription. Additionally, a variety of educational classes are offered on nutrition, and lifestyle choices and reducing risk factors for future cardiac events.

Program Components for Phase 2

  • Orientation – During the first visit, staff will review your medical history and lifestyle habits. Goals will be set, and support and encouragement will be provided throughout the program.
  • Exercise Testing and Prescription – Exercise testing may be performed during the program to establish activity guidelines and evaluate progress.
  • Exercise – As a participant, you will be involved in a monitored exercise program designed to meet your individual goals. In addition, you will learn self-monitoring concepts in job and recreational activities, as well as during exercise at home.
  • One-on-One – We will meet with you one-on-one to address any areas that need personal attention and will communicate progress with your physician.
  • Group Exercise Sessions – Following initial visits, you will join an exercise group. The program duration is based on your individual needs and goals.
  • Support Network – You will have the opportunity to work with other patients with similar diseases and share experiences.

If patients meet certain criteria, the treatment program is covered by most major insurance companies including Medicare. Insurance plans vary in coverage and eligibility so please check your plan for coverage and requirements.
For more information about the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Program, please call (608) 873-2314.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Program Overview
Stoughton Health’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Phase 2) program helps people with ongoing breathing problems learn how to breathe easier, have more energy and enjoy a better quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation includes exercise and education to help patients manage their breathing problem, increase energy, and decrease breathlessness

Who Does It Help?
Pulmonary rehabilitation can help anyone with ongoing breathing problems. This includes people with:

  • asthma
  • chronic bronchitis
  • emphysema
  • interstitial lung disease
  • long COVID
  • lung cancer
  • pulmonary hypertension
  • and other respiratory conditions

Orientation – During your first visit, a member of the care team will review your health history and how you take care of your health. This information will help the Pulmonary Rehab team provide you with a safe and effective treatment plan.
Exercise Testing – During your first visit you may be asked to do a walk test to see how you do while exercising. A member of the Pulmonary Rehab team will work with you to decide how much you can safely exercise and track how you improve while you are in the program.
Education – You will learn about your lung condition, nutrition, medications, breathing retraining, and stress management.
Support Network –As part of your rehab you will have the opportunity to meet other patients with similar lung conditions and share experiences.

Benefits of Pulmonary Rehab

  • Increased ability to exercise
  • Improved quality of life (feel better)
  • Fewer problems breathing
  • Reduced hospitalizations
  • Less anxiety and depression

How to Join
Joining pulmonary rehab requires a physician’s referral. Pulmonary rehab is covered by most major insurance companies. Please check with your plan for coverage and requirements.

Additional Support – Primary Prevention Program
After completing the Pulmonary Rehab (Phase 2) program, patients may wish to continue exercising at Stoughton Hospital to maintain their progress. Patients can sign up for the Primary Prevention program that is typically a self-pay program (not covered by insurance). The pulmonary rehab staff will discuss your exercise options as you get close to completing the Phase 2 program.

Contact Us
For more information about the Pulmonary Rehabilitation program, please call (608) 873-2314.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase 3 and Primary Prevention

Program Overview
The Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is designed to maintain gains from the Phase 2 Program while you are still being supervised by medical professionals.

The Primary Prevention Program is appropriate if you have not participated in previous rehabilitation, but have multiple cardiac risk factors and need to exercise in a safe environment.

For NEW Phase 3 and Primary Prevention participants entering the program – you may be eligible for a Cardiac Evaluation Appointment.

General program goals include supporting you in achieving peak functional capacity, further reducing risk factors for coronary artery disease, cultivating a positive lifestyle and promoting awareness of personal responsibility for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The programs offer group support, and help participants to maintain adherence to their exercise program. Additionally, a variety of educational classes are offered on nutrition, and lifestyle choices and reducing risk factors for future cardiac events.

Your spouse is welcome to exercise with you. You and your spouse must have a physician’s consent and complete a pre-admission assessment. Please call ahead to schedule this assessment.

These are private pay programs, generally not covered by insurance.

Program Components for Phase 3 and Primary Prevention

  • Orientation – During the first visit, staff will review your medical history and lifestyle habits. Goals will be set, and support and encouragement will be provided throughout the program.
  • Exercise Testing and Prescription – Exercise testing may be performed during the program to establish activity guidelines and evaluate progress.
  • Exercise – As a participant you will participate in a supervised exercise program designed to meet your individual goals. In addition, you will learn self-monitoring concepts in job and recreational activities, as well as during exercise at home.
  • Group Exercise Sessions – Following initial visits, you will join an exercise group. The program duration is based on your individual needs and goals.
  • Support Network – You will have the opportunity to work with other patients with similar diseases and share experiences.

Rate $3.50 per exercise session

Cardiac Rehab and Wellness Center Hours:
Monday – Wednesday – Friday 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday – Thursday 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Exercise sessions are one hour in length and made by appointment only.

You are eligible to earn one FREE month each year by participating in the (optional) annual Cardiac Evaluation appointment

Many insurance plans, including Dean Care, GHC and Quartz, may offer reimbursement for participation in an exercise program. Check with your insurance plan to see if you qualify.

For more information about our Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, please call (608) 873-2314.

Exercise Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease

Missing out on life because of leg pain caused by Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)? Let Stoughton Health’s Exercise Program for PAD help you regain your independence and reduce your leg pain.

How Can Exercise Therapy Help?
Stoughton Health’s Exercise Physiologists are trained in Exercise Therapy for PAD which can help rebuild the blood vessels in the legs. Exercise therapy has shown to improve walking distance, pain free walking duration, quality of life and the management of chronic disease risk factors.

Exercise Therapy for PAD is an effective and safe 12 week program. Most participants attend three days a week for one hour sessions. Walking is the primary exercise in addition to some strengthening exercises. Low or non-weight bearing exercises such as arm ergometry or biking may be included for cross training.

Program participants will receive education on PAD, benefits of exercise and managing chronic disease risk factors. Participants will complete a pre and post six minute walk assessment to assess improvements in aerobic endurance.

Supervised Exercise Therapy for PAD is a Medicare approved program.

Getting Started
Participants need a referral from their doctor to take part in the program. Please have your doctor’s office contact us at (608) 873-2314.

Listen to Our Health Talk Podcasts!

Stoughton Health Talk
Stoughton Health Talk

Welcome to Stoughton Health Talk

Reducing Your Risk Factors For Heart Disease

reducing-your-risk-factors-for-heart-diseaseMelissa Trumm explains heart disease and how you can reduce your risk factors.

Stoughton Health Talk
Stoughton Health Talk

Welcome to Stoughton Health Talk

Exercise Guidelines and Staying Motivated


Exercise is important, but sometimes getting motivated is a challenge. Andy Saul is a Certified Wellness Practitioner and is here to help you find that motivation to start and keep an exercise program.

Exercise Guidelines and Staying Motivated
Exercise Guidelines and Staying Motivated

Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Certified by Industry Leader

Stoughton Health’s cardiovascular rehabilitation program is certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). Stoughton Health is recognized for its commitment to improving the quality of life by enhancing standards of care.

Cardiovascular rehabilitation programs are designed to help people with cardiovascular problems including heart attack, coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, stable angina, angioplasty, valve surgery, heart transplant and stenting procedures. Participating in a cardiovascular rehabilitation program helps patients recover faster and improves their quality of life. The program includes exercise, education, counseling, and support for patients and their families.

Stoughton Health’s cardiovascular rehabilitation program participated in an application process that requires extensive documentation of the program’s practices. AACVPR Program Certification is the only peer-review accreditation process designed to review individual programs for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other professional societies.

Founded in 1985, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the mission of reducing morbidity, mortality and disability from cardiovascular and pulmonary disease through education, prevention, rehabilitation, research and disease management. Central to the core mission is improvement in quality of life for patients and their families.

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