Partners of Stoughton Hospital
Stoughton, WI 53589
Partners of Stoughton Hospital
The Partners of Stoughton Hospital is an organization that provides financial and volunteer support to the hospital in a variety of ways. Dues are $10 annually and partners receive a monthly newsletter, a free flu vaccination every fall, and a 10% discount on purchases in the Gift Shop. Stoughton Hospital Auxiliary was organized in the mid-1950’s with the same objectives and mission we honor today. We aim to serve as goodwill ambassadors and provide assistance to the hospital staff and patients in a volunteer capacity. In 2005, we changed our name to the Partners of Stoughton Hospital to expand our membership to include men and women. We now have over 200 members and continue to grow. If you would like more information about becoming a partner, please call (608) 873-2205 or view the Partners Membership Brochure.

Future Fundraisers & Events
Partners Board Meetings
Board meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month.
Pansy Sale
April 3 – Pansy Orders Due
April 10 – Pick Up Pansies
Advocacy Day
April 9
Partners Monthly Newsletter
The Partners of Stoughton Hospital newsletter is a monthly publication. Spread the word – please share our newsletter with anyone who might be interested in joining Partners of Stoughton Hospital.
Love Light Ceremony
A Seasonal Tradition for the Entire Community
We know the beauty of a single light, but the brilliance of many lights shining together for a cause cannot be matched.
The holidays are a time of joy, laughter, family and friends. For many of us it is also a time of giving and remembering. Since 1992, our annual Love Light celebration has provided an opportunity to come together to remember and honor special people in our lives. Donations are collected to remember someone no longer with us, to recognize those who are serving or have served in the military, and to recognize those special people among us.
Love Light 2024
Partners Board of Directors
Partners of Stoughton Hospital is guided by a board of elected officers including President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. Additional board members include the Past President and current Committee Chairs. The board meets on the first Wednesday of each month. All Partners of Stoughton Hospital members are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings.
In addition to monthly meetings, an annual meeting is held in October. All members are asked to attend this meeting consisting a short business meeting and the election of officers.
Judeen Reese – President
Brenda Klitzke – Vice President
Jan Walker – Secretary
Jacki Damson – Assistant Secretary
Donna Strandlie – Treasurer
Susie Ramberg – Assistant Treasurer
Melanie Miller – Past President
Open – Fundraising Committee Chair
Bonnie Anderson – Gift Shop Committee Chair
Open – Love Light Committee Chair
Open – Membership Committee Chair
Judeen Reese – Newsletter Committee Chair
Open – Public Policy/Community Education
Jeanne Gilbertson – Volunteer Scheduler/Service Projects

Back Row: Brenda Klitzke, Judeen Reese, Melanie Miller, Dawn Windland and Jan Walker
Front Row: Sandra Maerz, Jeanne Gilbertson, Donna Strandlie and Susie Ramberg
Fundraising Committee
Our Fundraising Committee is probably our most active committee. During the year, several events are planned in order to maintain funding used to support the hospital, provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors, and various service projects. Pansy, geranium and mum sales are historically held each year along with a holiday bake and craft sale. Other activities and events are planned as needed. If you like to be busy and you enjoy people, please consider joining our Fundraising Committee.
Community Health Education and Events Committee
Our Community Health Education and Events Committee partners with the Stoughton Wellness Coalition. We provide support for programs addressing substance abuse, mental health, and other challenges facing the youth of our community. In addition, this committee is involved in the Medication and Disposal Events and several service projects including construction of walker bags, financial support for patients who need wigs and twiddle muffs.
Membership Committee
Our Membership Committee maintains records, collects dues, encourages new members and hosts coffee chats designed to familiarize members with the activities and events of our Partners organization.
Gift Shop Committee
Our Gift Shop Committee Chair supports the Gift Shop and our gift shop coordinator, Bonnie Anderson. The committee helps troubleshoot, advertise and promote the shop in various ways. This is a fun committee. If it sounds like a good fit for you, reach out by leaving a voicemail in the shop at (608) 873-2281.
Love Light Committee
Planning is underway for the 2025 Love Light Program.

2023 Mum Sale

2023 Stoughton Farmers Market