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What You Need to Know About Whooping Cough

Dec 19, 2024 | Your Health

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is highly contagious respiratory infection. It spreads easily from person to person, mainly through the droplets produced when people cough or sneeze. Given this contagiousness, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms so individuals can protect themselves and those around them.

Bill Wilson, RN and infection preventionist with Stoughton Health, offers helpful information surrounding whooping cough—including symptoms, risks, and treatment options.

Three Stages of Whooping Cough

Wilson notes that there are typically three stages to the pertussis infection. When it begins, it can be difficult to distinguish between influenza or other seasonal viruses that cause upper respiratory infections. Individuals often have a low-grade fever, slight cough, and runny or stuffy nose.

After a week or so, pertussis starts to become more severe with what’s called a spasmodic or paroxysmal cough. “That manifests as numerous, rapid-fire coughs where it can be very difficult to catch your breath during those spells,” states Wilson.

This second stage generally persists for two to three weeks and then eventually decreases. However, during that time period, individuals become fatigued from all the coughing. They may develop pain in the ribcage or vomit after extensive coughing spells.

“Typically, after two to three weeks, people enter into the third stage which can be a prolonged convalescent stage where they develop a long-term cough,” explains Wilson. “This is usually followed by gradual recovery and the cough goes away over the subsequent two to three weeks.”

Individuals can spread the disease up to a week before they start their cough, and it is most contagious up through approximately two weeks after the cough has started. Yet, it is possible to still be contagious up to three weeks after the cough began.

Prevention Tips, Plus Treatment Options

Preventing whooping cough involves many of the same actions as preventing any other infection, such as making sure to wash hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Also, wiping down any surfaces where sick individuals have touched or been around. Wilson encourages people to wear a mask if they suspect they might have pertussis.

He urges individuals to be alert for any worsening symptoms. “If there’s concern for pertussis exposure or known pertussis exposure, it’s very important to contact your physician early, because treatment can be initiated with antibiotics if it’s caught soon enough. After the third week or so, the antibiotics aren’t going to be effective anymore for the actual pertussis itself. Early notification of physicians is extremely important because if it is small children, especially infants under one year of age, the only symptom may be what we call apnea, where they may stop breathing,” he warns.

Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, especially those of a respiratory nature, can also become critically ill.

The good news is, there is a vaccine for whooping cough which lasts about 10 years. Many communities offer free vaccinations via the public health department. They are also available at most pharmacies, alongside others such as the flu shot and COVID vaccine. Wilson does caution, however, that individuals can still contract whooping cough even if they are vaccinated against it. In that case, the above steps still apply.

“Remember, coughs and sneezes typically spread those infectious particles three to six feet. It’s usually close contact with individuals who have pertussis that allow it to be transmitted to another individual. So, stay home when you’re sick. If anyone is suspected of having pertussis, make sure they’re not out and about and they follow the isolation guidelines. With anyone who’s pregnant, it’s extremely important for them to have their vaccine to prevent exposure to their baby, as well as anyone caring for infants, especially those under a year.”

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