Improve function, mobility, quality of life and reduce falls in a fun atmosphere!
Stoughton Health Physical Therapy leads exercise classes to help people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease start to feel and function better. Living well starts here!
Monday, January 13 to Friday May 16 (16 week session)
Ongoing Enrollment! Attend once, twice, or more per week!
Mondays 11:15 a.m. – noon
Community Health & Wellness Center
3162 County Rd B, Stoughton
Tuesdays 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Oregon Senior Center
219 Park Street, Oregon
Fridays 11:15 a.m. – noon
Community Health & Wellness Center
3162 County Rd B, Stoughton
No class: Feb 14, March 17 through March 28, and April 25
~16 class punch card (one class/week) = $48
~32 class punch card (two classes/week) = $96
~45 class punch (three classes/week)= $135
Additional class punches are available for purchase during the session as needed.
Questions? Please contact Stoughton Health Community Education at (608) 877-3498.